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    • Steel coil 55% Al-Zn coated steel import, South Korean-made, ddp Gulf Ports, $/cwt
    • Aluminium scrap, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), cut sheared, 5-8% attachments, cif India, $/tonne
    • Zorba 95/5, cif India, cif India, $/tonne

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    What’s happening in the metals market?

    Brazilian aluminium supply coming from Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) is said to have tightened, helping to boost the P1020A ingot premium, market participants told Fastmarkets in the two weeks to Wednesday April 24

    In anticipation of a tight market, copper concentrate traders have locked in 2025 volumes at notably low treatment charges, with deals being placed well below the long-term industry benchmarks

    This move aligns with global demands for sustainability in the mining sector and sets Nexa on a path toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050

    Fastmarkets will discontinue its lithium contract price assessments, effective October 2024.

    Singapore-based lithium-ion battery recycling company Green Li-ion has launched its first commercial-scale installation to produce battery-grade cathode and anode materials from black mass and cathode powder – the first of its kind in North America

    This development has led to a tightening market supply and bullish sentiment among traders, despite the immediate aftermath not showing a price hike

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    Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more