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    • Lithium hydroxide monohydrate LiOH.H2O, 56.5% LiOH min, technical and industrial grades, spot price ddp US and Canada, $/kg
    • Lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, spot price ddp US and Canada, $/kg
    • Lithium carbonate 99% Li2CO3 min, technical and industrial grades, spot price ddp US and Canada, $/kg

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    What’s happening in the metals market?

    Fastmarkets is inviting feedback from the industry on the pricing methodologies for the following assessments: steel cold-rolled coil, fob mill US; steel hot-dipped galvanized coil (cold-rolled base), fob mill US; and steel cut-to-length plate carbon grade, fob mill US as part of its announced annual methodology review process.

    Turkey has announced a halt on exports to Israel of a range of steel, aluminium and copper products amid the continued conflict in Gaza, the Turkish Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday, April 9.

    Nickel premiums stayed flat around the world amid quiet trading in the week to Tuesday April 9.

    Stocks of base metals in Shanghai bonded warehouses showed mixed fortunes in March, Fastmarkets has learned

    Oversupply and increased competition from lower-priced synthetic graphite are likely to continue to put downward pressure on natural flake graphite prices over the next few years, sources in Shanghai told Fastmarkets.

    Recent developments in the aluminium industry have provided incremental steps toward the industry’s decarbonization, but green energy sources, inert anodes and end-of-life scrap recycling can offer disruptive advances to achieve this goal, according to Peter von Czarnowski, director of casting technology expansion at Golden Aluminum.

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